Kustomized Komponents Apps

Weather & Dots in Kustom KLWP 1.9
WeatherIcons, temperature and amount ofappointments for up to 8 days.All in one clickable row. Colors,font and shape are adjustable in the Kustom komponent settings****For non commercial use only****
Black Social - Wall for Kustom 1.9
Page locker inspired by +Erguillermin Apodo​style AC DISPLAY. Social page thanks to +David Lopez Pitoko​Thanks +Stephan Mathias​ +Nicola Patruno​​ for their help
Jeffs Weather, Wall for Kustom 1.9
This Wall has beautiful background images madeby +Jeff Ludlow. They blend into each other so the background coloris always in realtime. The Wall has weather forecast. a calendar,newsfeed and music. Due to the images the wall is a bit heavy, whenyou installed it, you probably have to wait a bit before everythingis in order.The newsfeed can be changed to your own favourite in thesettings of the komponent. Tap under the right side of theweatherbar to go to the other page and under the clock to go back.Tap on the city to get the weather forecast. Tap on the days to getthe calender entries****For non commercial use only****
WorldClock/Map KLWP Komponent 1.9
WorldClock, Map and Weather for 4 differentlocations set in the settings of KLWP. Tap on the corners of themap to see the different locations. Zoomlevel (tap the numbers) andmaptype (tap the weather)are adjustable from the homescreen. Colorsetc from within the settings of the komponent. You can even havethe map without the clock or the other way around!****For non commercial use only****
Weather Icon Checker, Kustom 1.9
With this komponent you can run your favouritenon Kustom weather icon pack against three different convertioncodes. How it works:create a folder on your sdcardunzip the iconset and put the icons in that folderopen the komponent and make sure you are in the settingsput the name of the folder in the textboxselect the extension of the iconsset "examples"to onsave and go out of Kustomlook at the phones screen and find the set that has no whitespacesgo back into Kustom and fill in the number of that set into thetextfield behind iconset.set "examples" to off and save.If you want you can delete everything from the komponent exceptthe first layer.Because the komponent reads from your SDcard this is only forpersonal use and as long as the folder excist
Agenda to Maps, incl weather 1.11
Use Google Calendar, fill in a proper locationwith your appointments and a click on the time will bring you toMaps and the directions! In this komponent the weather forecastsfor each appointment are included. Colors and fonts are adjustablein the settings of the komponent.Works only on Kustom Live Wallpaper Maker (go get it!)****For non commercial use only****
Handpicked Slideshow, Kustom 1.9
Slideshow that shows an unlimited amount ofpictures from a folder on your phone, or your account on a cloud.The pictures are shown in random order every second, minute, houror day. Shape, size, colorfilter, dim and blur are all adjustablein the settings of the komponent.Set "use" to the amount of images you want to use. If you unlockthe komponent you can add bitmap globals naming them 10, 11 and soon. Remember to adjust 'Use" to the new amount.****For non commercial use only****
Random Slideshow for Kustom 1.9
Slideshow that shows an unlimited amount ofpictures from a folder on your phone. The pictures are shownrandomly, every second, minute, hour or day and change when you tapthem. Shape, size, colorfilter, dim and blur are all adjustable inthe settings of the komponent.1 Make a folder in the root of your phone (thats where you findthe Kustom folder as well)2 Put the pictures you want shown in this folder and name them1,2,3 and so on. Make sure they all have the same extension ( png,jpg or jpeg)3 Put the name of the folder in the settings of the komponent andfill in the amount of pictures you want to use.4.Set "every" to the time you want the pictures to change.5 Adjust shape, size etc save and you are done!****For non commercial use only****
Chronological Slideshow Kustom 1.9
Slideshow that shows an unlimited amount ofpictures from a folder on your phone. The picrures are shown inchronological order when you tap them. Shape, size, colorfilter,dim and blur are all adjustable in the settings of the komponent.1 Make a folder in the root of your phone (thats where you findthe Kustom folder as well)2 Put the pictures you want shown in this folder and name them0,1,2,3 and so on. Make sure they all have the same extension (png, jpg or jpeg)3 Put the name of the folder in the settings of the komponent andfill in the amount of pictures you want to use.4 Adjust shape, size etc save and you are done!****For non commercial use only****
Changes, walls for KLWP 1.10
The WeatherWall works with all possibleproviders and with all possible locations. It can take some timebefore te images are loaded. You can change the images in thewather world komponent. The center of the lines should go to yourwanted possition ( to set in the settings in the app)automatically. As you can seee in the video. Tap on the artist fornext, tap on the title for play / stop. Tap on appointments to goto your gpogle calendar app. Tap on th world to scroll through thedays, tap on the date to go back to the current day.Thats about it :-)The Wall with the moving background has weatherforecast, RSS andmusicplayer
Box - 12 clock komponents KLWP 1.9
In this wall you'll find 12 clock komponents.You can use them as they are, or use them as a starting point foryour own fabulous clock komponent.****For non commercial use only****
MusicArt Kustom Komponent 1.9
Simple Kustom komponent showing albumcover andmusic controls****For non commercial use only****
Simple Maps Kustom Komponent 1.9
Two komponents for KLWP maker with mapsshowing current location with marker, Both have a transparentroadmap or hybrid option. One is a worldmap and one has zoomlevels10, 14, 18.****For non commercial use only****
Kustoms Little Red Book 4.3
***If you don't have KLWP or KWGT installed onyour device you have no use for this app. If you do have those appsor want to get started with them this is THE app for you***What's so special about this app?1. Little Red Book can be used on it's own or can be called uponfrom within the Kustom apps.2. Little Red Book comes filled with lots of Kustom Kodes you canimport into or copy to KLWP or KWGT3. You can simply search through the kodes by word or search percategory like Weather, Battery, Layout etc4. You can put your favorites on a different list to make findingthem even easier5. Little Red Book lets you add your own kodes to the app and letsyou share them with others6. It comes filled with links to tutorials, and the possibility toadd, edit and delete the ones you like7. It comes filled with handy tools, but you can add, edit anddelete the one you use as well8. Basic info about the apps is included9. Little Red Book has it own Google+ community where you can haveyour input on what kodes should be in the app.So how does it work?After installation you'll find the Little Red Book icon on topof the text editor screen in KLWP/KWGT. When you need a kode simplyclick that icon and it will send you to Little Red Book. Searchthat kode, click on the kode you want, press the paperclip andimport it into the Kustom app you are coming from. Simple asthat!But you can start with Little Red Book as well. Instead ofimport choose copy, the Kustom app will be opened and you can pastethe kode where you want it to be.How do I get in contact?Little Red book is a plugin for the Kustom apps, but not made bythe developer of those apps. So if you have questions, suggestionsor complaints be sure to put them in the right place.If you need any help with any of this feel free to contact throughthe email link within the app or go to the Little Red Bookcommunity on G+ (https://plus.google.com/communities/102365853816982758692)Links to the Kustom apps:Get KLWP (free) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaperGet KLWP (paid) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaper.proGet KWGT (free) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widgetGet KWGT (paid) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.proLike living "on the edge"? Get the KLWP and KWGT beta versionsin the official Kustom community on Google+. https://plus.google.com/communities/108126179043581889611And..... If you are brave enough to rate the app with 1 star, bebrave enough to write an email to kustomized.komponents@gmail withthe reason why. Thanks!*** If you do not haveKLWP KWGT installed on your device or you have no use for this app.If you do have Those apps or want to get started with Them This isthe app for you ***What's so special about this app?1. Little Red Book can be used on it's own, Or Can Be Calledupon from within the Kustom apps.2. Little Red Book Comes filled with lots of Kustom Kodesh you canimport into or to copy or KLWP KWGT3. You can simply search through the Kodesh search by word or percategory like Weather, Battery, etc Layout4. You can put your favorites list is to make finding a DifferentThem Even easier5. The Little Red Book lets you add your own Kodesh to the app andlets you share with others Them6. It comes filled with links to tutorials, and the Possibility toadd, edit and delete the ones you like7. It comes filled with handy tools, but you can add, edit anddelete the one you use as well8. Basic information about the apps is included9. Little Red Book has it own Google+ community Where You Can HaveYour input is Kodesh what should be in the app.So how does it work?After installation you'll find the Little Red Book icon on topof the text editor screen in KLWP / KWGT. When you need a Kode Thatsimply click icon and it will send you to the Little Red Book. ThatKode search, click on the Kode you want, press the paperclip andimport it into the Kustom app you are coming from. Simple asthat!But you can start with the Little Red Book as well. Instead ofImports choose Copy, the Kustom app will be opened and you canpaste the Kode Where You Want It to Be.How do I get in contact?Little Red Book is a plugin for the Kustom apps, but not made bythe developer of Those apps. So if you have questions, suggestionsor complaints be sure to put Them in the Right Place.If you need any help with any of this feel free to contact throughthe email link within the app or go to the Little Red Book, the G +community (https://plus.google.com/communities/102365853816982758692)Links to the Kustom apps:Get KLWP (free) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaperGet KLWP (paid) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaper.proGet KWGT (free) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widgetGet KWGT (paid) here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.proLike living "on the edge"? Get the KLWP KWGT and beta versionsin the official Kustom community on Google+. https://plus.google.com/communities/108126179043581889611And ..... If you are brave enough to rate the app with one star,be brave enough to write an email to kustomized.komponents@gmailwith the reason why. Thanks!
Kustom 1 feed, scroll & expand 1.9
Kustom RSS Komponent for one feed of yourchoice. Scroll through the newsitems by tapping on the right andleft side of the newsfeedbar. Tap on the news text to expand.Colors and fonts are adjustable. Komponents width adjustable.Lenght of newsfeed, title and description adjustable.****For non commercial use only****
5 RSS, 4 Items & links, Kustom 1.9
Kustom RSS Komponent for five feeds of yourchoice. Every feed has up to 4 news items. Scroll through the feedsby tapping on the right and left side of the newsfeedbar. Tap onthe newsitem to go to the newsitem on the internet. Colors andfonts are adjustable. Komponent width adjustable. Lenght of titlesadjustable****For non commercial use only****
5 RSS, 4 Titles & Link, Kustom 1.9
Kustom RSS Komponent for five feeds of yourchoice. Every feed has up to 4 titles. Scroll through the feeds bytapping on the right and left side of the newsfeedbar. Tap on thetitle to go to the newsitem on the internet. Colors and fonts areadjustable. Komponent width adjustable. Lenght of titles adjustable****For non commercial use only****
Calendar Plus for Kustom 1.9
Calendar komponent for Kustom. Fullyadjustable colors, fonts and sizes. Shows 1 to 5 rows. Days of theweek, month, year optional. You can choose to have dots, squares,triangles or rectangles as appointment reminders. Up to four everyday. You can scroll through the calendar. if you want to get backto the current date just click on the current day.****For non commercial use only****
Morphed Clock for Kustom 1.9
Clock with days and months in rings around theclock. Colors are adjustable.****For non commercial use only****
Really, really Minimal. Kustom 1.9
The Really, Really Minimal Wallpaper iscreated by +Gabriele Gusmeroli. The matching komponent isadjustable in color, fonts and icons. There are 7 icons used. Youhave to have the Material icon fonts to see them. You can find themhere http://plus.url.google.com/url?sa=j&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FA9ePjp&uct=1389181390&usg=8515_5Jdzb5QikueXLrx4wT11qs.You'll find the wallpaper in the presets section and thekomponent in the komponent section of KLWP
Horoscopes for Kustom 1.9
Pick your sign, adjust color and fonts and youare done. Your daily, weekly, montly or horoscope for the year onyour phone.****For non commercial use only****
Month List for KWGT 1.9
List of days and dates for the current month.Current Day/ date can be highlighted, Colors, fonts, position ofthe month, all adjustable to your taste.****For non commercial use only****
Agenda to Maps Kustom Widget 1.9
Use Google Calendar, fill in a proper locationwith your appointments and a click on the time will bring you toMaps and the directions! In this widget the weather forecasts arean option for each appointment. Colors and fonts are adjustable inthe settings of the komponent.Works only on Kustom WGT (go get it!)****For non commercial use only****
Calendar to Map KLWP Komponent 1.11
If you use Google Calendar and have filled ina proper location (not Daddy's office, or @girlfriends), the timeon the Calendar will change color and function as a link to openGoogle Maps with that location. Colors, fonts etc are adjustable toyour liking in the settings of the komponent. You can choose howmany appointments you want to show (up to ten)This is not a stand alone app, you'll need Kustom Live Wall Paper(go get it!)****For non commercial use only****
Music info Pack. Unlocked 1.9
Including 6 widgets and 7 komponents* latest news* biography* image* videos* internet links* general infoIn order to get the info, you have to enter an api key in theglobal settings. You can get one here for free:https://developer.echonest.com/account/register
Base Wall - Slide for Kustom 1.10
New to Kustom and want a quick result?Use this wall to make up to 5 pages with the komponents you like.The menu will slide out of sight and your page will show up. Youcan name the tabs anyway you like it, place them where you like andsizes and fonts are adjustable as well. Add your own picture tomake it personal. Once you are done with the lay out options in thesettings, go to the items section and import the komponents in eachof the corresponding folders. Once you have positioned everythingyou are done. If you want to see what you are doing in the editor,set gv 1 (at the bottom of the global setcion) to the number of thepage you are working on. Remember to set it back to 0 when you aredone.****For non commercial use only****
Weather IconPack Maker Kustom 1.9
Choose an icon for every weather conditioninthe settings of the komponent.I you want to see which one you picked you can turn onthe"examples" switch at the bottom of the settings.Save thekomponent,leave the editor and go back in. When you are donechoosing theicons you have to put the switch off again. After yousaved thekomponent the right weathericon (for the day you picked inthesettings) will appear on your screen.If you want to use these icons again in a different skinyou'llhave to export them (save on your phone). Click on the lockat thetop of your screen. Click on the icon with the arrow in it,Changethe hame of the komponent and save. You can now importthekomponent in any skin you like.Do you find the komponent to be to heavy, you can deletetheexamples layer. Unlock the komponent (at the top of yourscreen)Check the box behind the examples layer and click on delete(thewaste bin at the top of your screen)IF YOU USE ICONS YOU FOUND ON THE INTERNET PLEASE MAKE SUREYOUARE ALLOWED TO USE THEM!!This komponent only works as part of a Kustom Live WallPaper(goget it!!) Works from KLWP 2.08 and up****For non commercial use only****
Daily Horoscope for Kustom 1.10
Pick your sign, adjust color and fonts andyouare done. Your daily horoscope on your phone.****For non commercial use only****
Box - 12 music komponents KLWP 1.9
You can use them as they are, or use them asastarting point for your own fabulous music komponent.****For non commercial use only****
Box - 12 image komponents KLWP 1.10
In this wall you'll find 12 image ormapkomponents. You can use them as they are, or use them as astartingpoint for your own komponent.****For non commercial use only****
Box - 12 weather komp KLWP 1.9
In this wall you'll find 12 weatherkomponents.You can use them as they are, or use them as a startingpoint foryour own komponent.****For non commercial use only****
STOCK for KLGT and KLWP 1.9
In this combined KWGT / KLWP pack you'll find:3 widgets / komponents, (Stock Name, Price, U/D -- StockSymbol,Price -- Stock Name, Price, U/Dc):Colors and font can be changed in the global section of themainStock layerIf you want to change the stockSymbols like YHOO or GOOG dothefollowing:* open the main layer called something like StockNamePrice.....* open the Stack Group* open the first Stock layer, go to the globals and changeglobalStock to the symbol of the company you want to follow* repeat the last two steps for every Stock layer in thisStackGroup.2 komponents (Stock Loop, N, P, U//D c5 -- Stock Loop, N, P,U//Dc10)All changes in the main global settings of the komponentkomponent Stock GraphicAll changes in the main global settings of the komponentOn touch the timespan will change to the next valuekomponent Stock stackIf you want to change the stockSymbols like YHOO or GOOG dothefollowing:* open Stock stack* open the Stack Group* open the first Overlap Group* open Stock* go to the global section and change the Stock global tothecompany you want* repeat the last three steps for the rest of the OverlapGroupsBe aware that widgets don't update as frequent as komponents,soif you want to have the actual prices constantly use akomponentinside KLWP in stead of a widgetThis komponent is not for commercial use
Schuiver, Wall for Kustom 1.9
WallPaper for KLWP. Includes:* Musicplayer including coverart* Two maps, each with its own adjustable zoom level* Calendar you can loop through, including link to maps ifyoufilled in a location in Google Calendar* Weather Forecast* RSS feed, adjustable through global. When the choosen feeddoesn'tshow a picture you can choose one yourselfYou can choose the color to change accourdingly to thecoverart,or set your own color.
Month List for Kustom KLWP 1.10
List of days and dates for the currentmonth.Current Day/ date can be highlighted, Colors, fonts, positionofthe month, all adjustable to your taste.****For non commercial use only****
Kustoms Little Free Book 1.0
***If you don't have KLWP or KWGT installedonyour device you have no use for this app. If you do have thoseappsor want to get started with them this is THE app for you***What's so special about this app?1. Little Free Book is... Free :-)2. Little Free Book can be used on it's own or can be calleduponfrom within the Kustom apps.3. Little Free Book comes filled with the basic Kustom Kodes youcanimport into or copy to KLWP or KWGT4. You can simply search through the kodes by word or searchpercategory like Weather, Battery, Math etc4. You can put your favorites on a different list to makefindingthem even easier5. It comes filled with links to tutorials6. It comes filled with handy toolsSo how does it work?After installation you'll find the Little Free Book icon ontopof the text editor screen in KLWP/KWGT. When you need a kodesimplyclick that icon and it will send you to Little Free Book.Searchthat kode, click on the kode you want, press the paperclipandimport it into the Kustom app you are coming from. Simpleasthat!But you can start with Little Free Book as well. Insteadofimport choose copy, the Kustom app will be opened and you canpastethe kode where you want it to be.How do I get in contact?Little Free book is a plugin for the Kustom apps, but not madebythe developer of those apps. So if you have questions,suggestionsor complaints be sure to put them in the rightplace.If you need any help with any of this feel free to contactthroughthe Little Books for Kustom community on G+ (https://plus.google.com/communities/102365853816982758692)Links to the Kustom apps:Get KLWP (free)here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaperGet KLWP (paid)here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.wallpaper.proGet KWGT (free)here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widgetGet KWGT (paid)here:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.proLike living "on the edge"? Get the KLWP and KWGT beta versionsinthe official Kustom community on Google+. https://plus.google.com/communities/108126179043581889611And..... If you are brave enough to rate the app with 1 star,bebrave enough to write an email to kustomized.komponents@gmailwiththe reason why. Thanks!
Base wall. KLWP skin template 1.9
New to Kustom and don't know where tostart?Use this wall to make up to 5 pages with the komponents youlike.You can name the tabs anyway you like it, place them where youlikeand colors and fonts are adjustable as well. Once you are donewiththe navigation options in the settings, go to the items sectionandimport the komponents in each of the corresponding folders.Onceyou have positioned everything you are done. You have buildyourfirst Kustom Wallpaper!Make sure you have set the amount of pages of your launchertothe same amount of pages your wallpaper has. You can changetheamount of pages of your Kustom wallpaper at the topright oftheeditor screen.****For non commercial use only****
upsideDOWN Kustom Wall 1.9
upsideDOWN is a Kustom LWP made by+GabrieleGusmeroli and it is inspired by +Erguillermin Apodo​​It includes thecalendarkomponent(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=calschema.kustomized.komponent)events komponent by +irwin kurniadi​​the clock is from +[ 10tacleBoy ]​​ and modified for thiswall(changed the second level with the battery)
Box - 12 progress komp Kustom 1.9
In this wall you'll find 12progresskomponents. You can use them as they are, or use them as astartingpoint for your own komponent.****For non commercial use only****
Week progress for Kustom 1.9
Three different progressbars for theweek.Colors and fonts are adjustable.****For non commercial use only****
Sky, Kustom Live Wall Paper 1.9
Sky is a Kustom Wallpaper with animatedweatherand windmill. The windmill has three speeds and tells thedirectionof the wind. When you tap on the mill the clouds willchange color.When you tap on the weather a five day forecast willappear. Thereis a newsloop at the bottom of the screen with roomfor 4 newsfeeds.****For non commercial use only****
Picture This, KWGT pack 1.10
For this pack you need KWGT, You candownloadithere:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget&hl=nl.Inorder for some pictures to appear you have to save the widgetandleave KWGT. If that doesnt do the trick have a look insidethewidget and see if there is a link in the fx section of theshape.Updated with another two widgets, so now you have(forfree!!):1. Random picture of Unsplash.com with 5 starsbatteryprogress2. Latest Google news item from your own country. Includingimages.Choose to have 1, 2 or 3 news items3. Random picture changing every minute. Including dateandtime4. Random Nature pics from Unsplash with Androidbatteryprogress5. Changing Google Doodle, touch to Google Search6. Digital time, Filled with a picture of the currentweathercondition7. Google Mews scroll. One news item at the time, butscrollablethrough 9. Including images and link8. Image and title from latest Android Autority. Scroll through 1to99. Latest news items from Android Authority Including images.Chooseto see 1, 2 or 310. Bings daily picture11. Last item from Bored Panda / animals12. Text clock on pics of Cityscapes changing every 15 sec13. Day of the week. Pictures of skyline changing every 15sec14. Landscape images changing every 15 sec. Includingweathercondition and temp15. Pictures of Architecture changing every 15 sec. Batterystate(charging etc)16. Nature pics changing every 15 sec. Weather condition17. Daily changing quote on Road images changing every 15 sec18. Basic Music player with Music images changing every 15sec19. Travel pics with map overlay to next Google Calendar event(iflocation is set). Opens Google Maps with directions to thateventon touch20. Notification Counts with Vintage pictures changing every15sec21. Newest picture on r/earthporn22. Make your own Word in pics. Pictures changing every 15sec23. Seasons images in characters, changing every 15 sec. Including sunrise and sunset24. Changing picture from Google Earth